Journey to Germany

The ball is officially rolling now. (as if it wasn't already rolling before - ha)But now, these 3 kiddos have submitted their passport applications!  Does it get more real than that?!  I don't think they even realize how monumentous this seemingly normal thing we did in little old New Waverly Post Office during their Spring Break was.  They just worked hard to keep their sister occupied while mom turned in all of the paperwork and paid the money.  But, really, it was one of the first acts on this journey that we all did together as a family (because the US government requires both parents be present).  Sure, we brought them on board in the early stages to pray and seek the Lord with us for what God might be calling our family to do.  And yes, we've sat around the kitchen table for family meetings several times to talk about this new crazy life change.  They even had to write their own essays and fill out portions of their application to be accepted and admitted to Black Forest Academy.  So, yes - we've all been on this journey together for the past year.  But, this week was the first official act that we all participated in together.  It probably felt fairly simple and normal to most of us, as we simply drove down Highway 75, like we do multiple times a week, and pulled into this small town building with a flag out front.  The main thing on the kids minds (I know this because it kept coming out of their mouths) was where we were going to eat lunch afterwards.  But, as I look back on it now - it's almost overwhelming to think about this journey to Germany that God has orchestrated for my little family.What a privelege to say "Yes, Lord - send us!"  I'm not just answering a call on my life - WE are answering this call on OUR lives together.  We're definitely still juggling it all and figuring out what life looks like in this season, but my little family (all of them) are willingly and joyfully along for the ride.I am not naive to the fact that God is pouring out His mercies on us each and every moment of every day.  I'm also not naive to the fact that, on this journey, there will absolutely be times where it sure doesn't feel like I'm on a team with willful and joyful participants.  But God is still sovereign on those days!We've also started the fairly tedious process of meeting with different people in our lives to share about what God has called us to and asking them to pray about partnering with us.  This means that Boston, the oldest of the 3, has carried out a rite of passage for a teenager.  He babysat his little sister (and brother, but don't tell Dash that) at home by himself for the first time so mom and dad could be out meeting with some friends.  He rocked her and put her to bed and everything!  Crazy, huh?!  He's invested, he's on board.  He knows that this is the process of getting to Germany to do this thing that God has called us to do.As we've started having these meetings and we're telling the story of this journey, I just get more and more excited about how God has so clearly prepared us and called us to this, and how He has so uniquely and intimately knit this little family of mine together to be on this journey together.  It's pretty humbling and awesome and incredible all at the same time.  (P.S. we would love to have one of these meetings with YOU, so if we haven't contacted you yet - just shoot us an e-mail here)This Journey to Germany is literally unfolding before our very eyes - I wonder what will happen next?!-- Carol

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