I Will Rest
This is like the opposite of a restful season for us.We are trying to end well where we are - we love camp and we love the ministry here and we believe in what God is doing here, so we want to continue to serve well while we are still here. At the same time, it is a full time job to orchestrate an international move (not to mention prayerfully and intentionally developing the partners God is calling to this ministry with us)!AND, our kids still have school and sports and church and extra-curriculur activities AND we have a toddler and a teenager in the house!!All of that to say, REST is not exactly what comes to mind in the midst of all of this.However, He calls us to rest in Him. Theres a new worship song from Passion that is speaking volumes to me right now. https://youtu.be/o9YnFjsc2XY God is BIGGER than all of this - His Ways and His Plan and His Timing are so much bigger than I ever thought. He is the God of ALL creation - He is the One that created me, created my family, has strategically placed His children all over the world to declare the goodness of His Name. He's the one that intimately cares for the ministry He's called me to here AND the ministry with Third Culture Kids at Black Forest Academy. God has already specifically mapped out the path for this new journey we're on. He is sovereign over ALL of it! Like, I can hardly even wrap my brain around it, but it's true.And He's calling me to REST in the truth of His love and His majesty and to leave the rest in His Hands. It's all His! Yes, He's called me to surrender and say Yes to Him, but then to simply trust and rest in Him to carry it out as He sees fit!